EX2 - Collectables

For excerise 2, we were tasked with creating 2 collectables which offer powerups and particle effects. One had to allow the player the ability to double jump and other one had to allow the player the abilitiy to move faster, both had a limited amount of time aswell before running out.

For both powerups i wanted a similar design.

This is inspired by the Egg looking things in Jak and Daxter. These eggs are surrounded by 4 little spherical things which slowly rotate around it. the whole thing also slowly bobbles, moving up and down at a constant rate. Under each egg is a particle emitter which depending on the powerup, either has a cloud of blue to represent a double jump

or chaotic red shooting in a wider cone to represent speed, violence and momentum.

When the player collects one of these powerups, the egg vanishes, the particles are transfered to the player but the small rotating things keep rotating. This is because i wanted the player to recognise that this will be a frequent respawn when the timer runs out, so the player knows where and what to look for when searching for a powerup.

When the player collects one or both of these, the particle effects for each powerup is transfered to the player, signalling that they have the effect. These particle effects do stack as shown. https://gyazo.com/dd34a6bb418a613b0ba2b6d15c380521

The timer can be adjusted aswell as to what the collectable rewards the player. The movement of the egg and floating things can also be adjsuted.