originally In this exercise, we were tasked with creating a moving platform for the player to be able to jump on and use.
i started out creating a platform of suitable size for the player and several spheres.
The platform is what the player will stand on so it needed a box mesh for the player to actually stand on it, as well as a trigger box mesh so that the player can attach to the platform.
originally the trigger box mesh was much smaller, only touching the feet of the player but after testing it out, the player would either collide and land on top of the it, resulting in floating on the platform, or when trying to jump off, they would touch the top of the collider and it would reset their movement as if they just landed causing them to not actually be able to jump off the platform. This was fixed by increasing the size of the box so that the player can just move in and out but the problem will still persist with the top of the box so careful planning is required when using these. The spheres represent waypoints for the platform, each one a location for it to travel to. In the settings, you can modify the size of the array and place as many waypoints as you want the platform to travel to. After it reaches the end it will travel back to the first spot and restart the loop. The movement speed of the platform can also be changed aswell as the wait time. The wait time is the delay in which the platform waits at arriving at the next spot. If that is set to 0 then it will continuously move.https://gyazo.com/54aab6f3073c39590da6a38ce2cc5820 However the camera for my character seems to stutter when on these platforms, so i would have to change the way my camera follows my character so that it doesnt cause seizures for the player.